Cheyenne update March 2015
This is Cheyenne Autumn after retiring her she was placed in a exceptional home with
Charlie of Easton Md.
Charlie worked to get Cheyenne certified as a AKC Therapy dog. 
Cheyenne's new Certification ThDE, Therapy Dog Excellent 200 visits, a new level for her.

She loves to visit with the Residents of the Nursing Home and State Hospital.... and we are going to a Senior Day care facility next month to celebrate Dog Appreciation Month April.
Cheyenne and Charlie bring such joy everyday visiting Nursing home and hospitals throughout Maryland, Cheyenne is still going strong today at 14 years old !
A huge Congrats to both Charlie and Cheyenne for all they do.
Cheyenne update September 2016
Cheyenne's newest Award From AKC


Rewarding her for 400 visits and visiting some 6,500 people and receiving title of Therapy Dog Distinguished, THDD.thinking this is the highest level that AKC offers on Therapy service.
We are so proud to have raised and had puppies out of this outstanding dog and later placed her with Charlie who went onto achive these Therapy Awards a lot of time and work put into this you both are amazing and bring so much joy to others So proud of you both

Dublin Update May 2012
Dublin turned 3 this May of 2012 and is the most amazing dog ever. :) Back in November he passed his Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dog test and is now a certified therapy dog. He loves his job and is a fantastic ambassador for Aussies and all dogs. He loves visiting children and reading with them and he enjoys visiting nursing homes and adult day care facilities. His temperament is superb and he is the ideal therapy dog.

We are working towards his AKC Thd title, which he will achieve after completing 50 therapy dog visits.
CLICK HERE for a article from one of the local newspapers about Dublin's recent visit to a local school.

Dublin also loves to run and play. He is great on off-leash hikes (though as a boy, he does sometimes do his own thing and returns a few minutes later covered in mud....haha) and we usually walk about 20 miles per week. We hike with a few friends and their dogs, and Dublin is a favorite member of the pack. He's one of the only male dogs and the ladies all love him! He also enjoys lure coursing and I am hoping to enter him in his first trial this year. He's super-smart, though, and tries to outsmart the lure right now. :)

This past year we added a standard Aussie to the family and Dublin is a great "big brother". Thanks again for everything! Our lives would not be the same without Dublin and we are very grateful for him!
Congratulations Sarah, Chris and Dublin on your therapy dog accomplishments from all of us here
at J & F Miniatures.

Toby and Starr Update April 2011

Lakota’s Tate’ S’unka of JF (Toby- shown on the left) is a 3 year old, black tri-colored, male (neutered), Miniature Australian Shepherd owned and handled by Bob Thomas of Wallingford, PA. Tate’ S’unka means "dog that runs like the wind" in the Lakota Sioux language
Toby is a performance mini that competes in Region 15 North American Flyball Association Tournaments on the Chaos Unleashed Flyball Team where he has earned the Flyball Dog Champion (FDCH) title. In March 2011, Bob began exhibiting Toby in Canine Performance Events (CPE) Agility Trials in the 16-inch Regular category. In addition to Flyball and Agility, Toby has begun training in Treibball, a ball herding sport that is popular in Europe and catching on in the United States. Toby works well off-lead, is very attentive, and fast. Bob and Toby train at the Dog Training Club of Chester County (DTCCC)..

Chelsea’s Evening Star of JF (Starr -shown on the right) is a 22 month old, black tri-colored, female (spayed), Miniature Australian Shepherd owned and handled by Bob and Nancy Thomas of Wallingford, PA.
As a performance dog in training, Starr has completed basic and advanced obedience training, as well as Dog Sports Fundamentals at the Dog Training Club of Chester County (DTCCC). Starr’s herding instinct was assessed as "strong" by Amanda Nickle in October 2010 and soon began training in herding with Nancy.
In March 2011, Starr began her formal agility training with Bob.
Starr is a very agile and enthusiastic mini with great focus.
Congratulations Toby & Star! and their owners Bob & Nancy Thomas on your wins and many more to come, from all of us here at J&F Miniatures.

J&F Miniatures having 25 years of experience breeding Quality Aussie pups!